Day 388 – Reality

Day 388 – Reality

What do I think is real? Does thinking it make it so?   I accept that the chair I sit on is real because I can A) see and B) feel it. I experience both confirmation senses via my brain. I am used to relying on my brain to tell me what is and what is not, and like...
Day370 – Uncertainty

Day370 – Uncertainty

Cohabiting with uncertainty is a given. It is unavoidable.  No one has a crystal ball. The future is unknown. Every moment, encounter, and situation has multiple variables. I can have a pretty good idea of what’s coming next, but I can’t be sure. So, one...
Day 361 – Space the inner frontier

Day 361 – Space the inner frontier

My sober Life is an adventure of non-stop discovery. It is so exciting. It is like regularly finding a million quid stuffed down the back of the sofa and realizing it’s been there forever and it’s mine to use. I’ve started spending! I recently delved...