by Duncan McLeod | Oct 21, 2024 | Emotions, Mental health, Recovery, Recovery from addiction, Sobriety, Trauma
Some say that the opposite of addiction is connection. (If I don’t connect to some-one, I will connect to some-thing) Whilst it is undoubtedly true that Cannabis became my companion, alcohol my comforter, and Nicotine my aid de camps, as with all things Human,...
by Duncan McLeod | Aug 8, 2024 | Alcohol free, Life Skills, Living without alcohol, Recovery, Recovery from addiction, Sobriety
One year, eleven months, two weeks and three days ago, I initiated a program of change which began with removing alcohol and went on to help me amend patterns of behaviour and re-evaluate belief systems I held about me, my life and the world around me. What began as a...
by Duncan McLeod | Feb 15, 2024 | Alcohol free, inner child, Life Skills, Sobriety
What Eckart Tolle calls a pain body, others refer to as a wounded theme of consciousness. It is a clump of tangled negative energy brought into existence by my mind’s naive interpretation of life’s knocks and trapped within my being. A pain body can lie...
by Duncan McLeod | Dec 14, 2023 | Alcohol free, Living without alcohol, Recovery, sober curious, Sobriety, staying sober
I haven’t stopped drinking; I have become a non-drinker. Those two things may seem the same, but they are profoundly different. A drinker tries to stop drinking, whereas a non-drinker just-doesn’t-drink (There’s a clue in the title)...
by Duncan McLeod | Sep 14, 2023 | Life Skills, Sobriety
What do I think is real? Does thinking it make it so? I accept that the chair I sit on is real because I can A) see and B) feel it. I experience both confirmation senses via my brain. I am used to relying on my brain to tell me what is and what is not, and like...
by Duncan McLeod | Jun 29, 2023 | Alcohol free, Recovery from addiction, Sobriety
Hurry and Rush are two characters regularly on stage with me in the theatre of my day. They are like two of my less clever friends. As my playwright, I can and must hasten their ‘exit stage left’ ASAP because, despite their best intentions, they seldom...