DAY 3 (Get in there!!!)
Today is the 3rd day in my campaign to take back my life and return me, to me.
Three days to someone else might seem inconsequential. But I know better. It is FLIPPING AWESOME!
I am so happy (whilst keeping the overwhelm low). I am so encouraged. I feel so proud of myself (and so I should.)
I have read that alcohol changes my brain’s chemistry. Actually changes me. For real!! As a husband, a dad, and a friend. it physically, mentally and emotionally changes me. I don’t notice. It’s under my radar. Small adjustments I suppose. I know they won’t have been good changes.
I am so glad that I am actively making moves to reverse this. I am on the road to taking back control.
Side note: OMG. Why am I sleeping so long? I’m knocking on 10 to 12 hours of sleep per night. Unbelievably, I might even sneak in an afternoon nap (unheard of!). I assume that my body is healing itself. This in turn suggests that it needed to. And that further confirms to me the wisdom of my choice to take this break from the booze. Yes, it does. Thank you. Yes. Woop Woop.
Today’s plan of action.
I have moved all beer and wine out of sight. If I catch, even a glimpse of a bottle of beer, out the corner of my eye, then a thought process is sparked and ignited. A voice in my head is awakened. Better to let sleeping dogs lie. I can’t spare the energy to endlessly debate yes or no.
My focus, today, is to be as Zen as I can manage. To breathe and move with gentle care. To keep my chores and duties to a minimum. To refuse entry, into my thoughts, of anything ‘drink’ related. I will remember to smile and celebrate my success to date. I will be grateful. I will speak well of myself to myself.
I have told my wife what I am doing and outlined how challenging I find it. (I was concerned that she may feel neglected, as my attention is elsewhere, in books and online, whilst I conquer this Matterhorn). She is super cool and totally supportive.
I will also research and find more books and blogs to get involved with.
I am purposely stepping further into this ‘conversation’ about living a sober life. I like it in my consciousness. It feels good. I can’t hear enough of this topic at the moment. Every word adds to my resolve.
I now start each day reading books written by wonderful people who have gone before me on this path and I like to ‘top up’ mid-afternoon by listening to something in talking books or online. It’s like oxygen.
Top Tips:
Try to stay in the moment. Resist looking into the future. Today is enough for today and tomorrow will happen along in its own time.
Read, listen and be informed. Be transformed by the renewing of my mind.
Drink loads of water.
Be kind and care for myself. Me and my mission are top priorities.
Be happy, be grateful. We are on the move…