Here’s the logic trail:
I am looking to make changes to my way of living.
I need to make different choices.
My choices emanate from my reactions
I need to change my automated responses
I can only fix a problem if I know what it is.
Like a weed, a problem has a visible portion and a root.
I need to unearth and address the root.
I thought only stoned, misguided hippies talked
about energies and vibes.
Negative bias.
I am revising my understanding.
After all, I don’t struggle with the thought of a room
full of people having fab energy, or a person radiating power, allure, fear etc.
We feel vibrations when energy affects and moves its surrounding
There is no new energy,
just transference between states.
Gravity pulls water, becoming kinetic energy; electrical
plants harness the power of the water (electrical energy); my kettle converts
it to thermal energy; the cup of coffee I make turns it into chemical energy,
which lifts my emotional energy.
My emotions are a form of energy and a source of power.
Emotion = E-Motion = Energy in motion.
My emotions create reactions which give rise to more
emotions and further reactions.
The energy cycle keeps going, revealing itself in my
decisions and thus shaping my life.
Emotions are the realm of my inner workings.
The inner world is a maze of complicated circuitry
requiring skill and constant regulation and maintenance, or else … problems
It is a crucial job of parents to teach youngsters to do
this early in life.
However, if parents are not present or they are unaware
or ill-informed, this vital lesson is not taught.
Would we put an untrained eight-year-old in charge of a
nuclear reactor?
Why not?
Eight years old; first day of the school term.
Abandoned in a queue with kids I didn’t know, surrounded by strangers and noise on unfamiliar school grounds.
Feeling alone, frightened, confused and very vulnerable.
Fighting a zillion urges.
These feelings are unpleasant; how to cope with them?
Push them down;
Survival mode.
I settled in and made new friends, but those initial
moments took their toll.
I had been distressed, and my inner world was disturbed.
At that point, I began carrying a small package of
suppressed and, therefore, unprocessed emotions.
Negative energy fizzing away gently beneath my surface ..
ebbing into my reactions and choices.
Needing triage but hidden from view.
Healing happens when I sit with
the feelings I have hitherto ignored.
It takes an indeterminate amount of time.
My feelings insist upon acknowledgement and that I listen
to their message before agreeing to be dismissed.
Some of these have waited half a century! I cannot help
but respect their resoluteness and faithfulness to their mission.
Unearthing the song lines of my past takes patience,
quiet and stillness.
It requires intention.
Finding the entry points of injury is tricky.
I start by bringing to mind situations which alarm me
today, like public speaking, being alone, or worrying about work, the house or
my kids.
I consider areas to which I have attachments, like body
image, relationships, and possessions.
I question and probe.
I observe any feelings which arise.
I wait to see if any memories bubble gingerly, dimly to
the surface.
I follow the breadcrumbs.
History revisited.
I allow the memories and feelings to form.
It is uncomfortable again.
I acknowledge their existence.
I feel the feelings.
I interpret their message, their warning, and their
I stay planted in the here and now to view the past safely
through the lens of today.
I thank the feelings for their service and surrender them
to God.
I write.
I have made adjustments.
I return to the present and enjoy the life welling within me.
Not easy, but worth the investment.
Nice one Duncs 🫂
Thanks Nico xx
Hi Duncan. Mother Mocktail here or MM as you like to call me. You talk about energy. I could talk about it all day. I recently qualified as a biodynamic craniosacral therapist and am at present studying Energy Medecine (Donna Eden method). I have many other teachers whose teachings guide me and support me on the journey I have chosen within this lifetime.
My partner Matthew breathes and talks quantuum mechanics/physics or whatever.
All there is is energy and energy never dies, only changes form.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, your feelings and your own personal journey.
Your Instagram posts are truly wonderful. Keep going!
All the best,
Carole (MM)
Hi Carole (MM)I am so excited by your comment and really grateful that you took the time to make it.
I have just bought a book entitled “The physics of consciousness” (The quantum field and human souls) – This sounds right up Yours and Matthew’s street!
Thank you for the encouragement to keep going with my posts, it definitely helps. Love and peace xx