by Duncan McLeod | Aug 8, 2024 | Alcohol free, Life Skills, Living without alcohol, Recovery, Recovery from addiction, Sobriety
One year, eleven months, two weeks and three days ago, I initiated a program of change which began with removing alcohol and went on to help me amend patterns of behaviour and re-evaluate belief systems I held about me, my life and the world around me. What began as a...
by Duncan McLeod | Dec 14, 2023 | Alcohol free, Living without alcohol, Recovery, sober curious, Sobriety, staying sober
I haven’t stopped drinking; I have become a non-drinker. Those two things may seem the same, but they are profoundly different. A drinker tries to stop drinking, whereas a non-drinker just-doesn’t-drink (There’s a clue in the title)...
by Duncan McLeod | Jan 23, 2023 | Alcohol free, dry january, Faith, Gratitude, life building,, Life Skills, Living without alcohol, Mental health, Recovery from addiction, sober curious, Sobriety, staying sober
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’ve heard it all before. Let me listen to it again. Gratitude is so much more than a polite set of words. It is a mind-set, an attitude, and a viewing angle that directly turbo boosts my baseline abilities. In martial arts, I learned how to...
by Duncan McLeod | Jan 21, 2023 | Alcohol free, dry january, Faith, life building,, Life Skills, Living without alcohol, Mental health, Musings, Recovery from addiction, sober curious, Sobriety, staying sober
It’s a powerful thing to challenge the established. Why? To question the incumbent power base is to risk an attack. The potential gain is to invite reform. Danger versus reward. The ruling authority will have found a place in the landscape and successfully set...
by Duncan McLeod | Jan 18, 2023 | Alcohol free, dry january, Faith, life building,, Life Skills, Living without alcohol, Mental health, Musings, Recovery from addiction, sober curious, Sobriety, staying sober
I have been out of sorts for three days, unsettled and disquieted. I have craved an excess of something but struggled with how best to scratch that itch. A whole packet of chocolate digestives is not very rock ‘n roll. Has my life become beige? WTF...